LACTOSE INTOLERANCE new york, we love new york

Lactose intolerance is a widespread metabolic disorder when the bosy isnot able to digest a sugar contained in milk called lactose. This can happen because either one does not have the enzyme lactase that is necessary to break down lactose at all, or because there is too little of it. If the lactose is not broken down in our digestive system, it can't be absorbed and will be fermented by our gut bacteria. The result is an excess of gas in the gut that may cause many characteristic and unpleasant symptoms of lactose intolerance: abdominal pain, cramps, gas, flatulence and diahorrea

The importance of genetical testing compared to traditional diagnostic methods 

  1. It allows to distinguish between primary and secondary lactose intolerance. Secondary lactose intolerance can be temporary if adequate treatment is used.
  2. DNA results are not influenced by eating or drinking lactose-rich foods or the use of antibiotics or other medicines: enoscopic procedures prior to testing do not effect results.
  3. Genetic testing is less time consuming, more convenient and not painful to the patient compared to conventional methods.

Lactose intolerance genetic testing is recommended for people who have characteristic symptoms of lactose intolerance.

The genetic test is easy. The sample can be taken conveniently.with a sterile buccal swab.
The results take about 3 weeks.

Should you have any concerns, need clarifications or would like more information, do not hesitate to contact DNA Consulta on (+356) 7979 7910 or by sending an email to



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